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Strategy Worked to Save Chesapeake Bay, so Give Floridians Right to Clean Water | Opinion



Floridians are “supposed” to have the right to clean water, but our state’s leaders have ignored this and are hard at work to make sure every business, huge corporation or small, gets to pull all the water they want free for the taking from our continually diminishing aquifer.

These leaders include individual politicians  bribed by industry as well as our agencies such as the DEP, the Suwannee River Water Management District, the St. Johns River Water Management District, and the remaining three water districts.

With the water districts it is understandable because most of the board members are developers, in real estate or in agriculture.  These groups want unlimited water use for free, which is what our state gives them, even though they know the springs and rivers are dying and our aquifer is dropping and suffering salt water encroachment, inland as well as on the coasts.

This unfair, biased,  and unethical situation is the reason we need our new amendment in our state constitution.

If we don’t do this our destiny is that of  areas in the West with no water available.

Read the complete article with photos here in TCPalm.

Comments by OSFR historian Jim Tatum.
– A river is like a life: once taken,
it cannot be brought back © Jim Tatum

Strategy worked to save Chesapeake Bay, so give Floridians right to clean water | Opinion

Wayne Mills Guest columnist
January 16, 2023

Congress passed the Clean Water Act in 1972.  Congress subsequently voted to override a veto by President Richard Nixon and it became law.

The purpose was to provide a guarantee that all Americans would have access to clean and healthy waters throughout America.

History has proven that legislation wasn’t always enough to afford these protections to our waterways. There have been numerous cases where our waters were so polluted to be dangerous and unusable for the usual purposes of recreation, swimming and fishing.

Many times it became necessary for lawsuits to be filed against those creating the sources of pollution and the degradation of the waters involved.

I served as chairman of the board of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation in the late 1990s and early 2000s. It became clear at that time that after decades of broken promises by the six states and the District of Columbia bordering on the Chesapeake that we weren’t going to save the bay at the rate we were going.

The only alternative left to save the bay was to file suit against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to require the states in question to meet their obligations under the Clean Water Act to restore the waters of the Chesapeake to meet the Clean Water Standards.

The suit was filed and a settlement was reached in 2010 with EPA and the six states on the bay. Shortly after that we were sued by various agricultural interests primarily in the mid-West who opposed the agreement we had reached.

In Florida a similar situation exists. For decades we have watched as our lakes, springs, rivers and bays have become degraded to the point they are now listed as impaired waters. In many cases the fisheries, sea grasses and a record number of mammals (manatees) have died off along with oysters, clams and numerous species of the benthic creatures.

The guarantee needed here is that clean water protection needs to be included in the state constitution of Florida.  Hence, the need for the Right To Clean Water Amendment. This will prohibit the pollution of Florida’s waters by recognizing a right to clean water for all Floridians and Florida waters.

This amendment will provide among other things:

  • Every Floridian has a right to clean water.
  • “Clean Water” shall mean waters free of the non-natural presence of any one or more substances, contaminants, or pollutants in quantities which are or may be potentially harmful or injurious to human health or welfare, animals, fish, plant life, water quality or which may unreasonably interfere with the environment or life or property, including outdoor recreation.

Interestingly only three states have these protections in their constitutions to date, Pennsylvania, Montana and New York,  but several more are attempting to add them.

Most recently the EPA notified Shawn Hamilton, Florida secretary of environmental protection, that Florida needed new and revised water quality standards to meet the provision of the U.S. Clean Water Act.

I encourage all those who care to have Florida’s environment protected and restored to visit and to learn more about this proposed amendment. There you can sign their petition to show your support to put these protections in the constitution of Florida.

Wayne Mills

Wayne A. Mills, former board chairman of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, lives on North Hutchinson Island, Florida.

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