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Summit to Stop Sabal Trail

sabalsummitnewgroup In: Summit to Stop Sabal Trail | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River



On a rainy and cloudy Saturday about 70 passionate people gathered in Gainesville to talk about Sabal Trail.  This meeting, called the “Grassroots Summit to stop Sabal Trail,” met at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship.    Johanna de Graffenreid of Gulf Restoration Network of New Orleans organized the summit.  Its co-sponsors were Our Santa Fe River, Sierra Club and Beyond Extreme Energy.

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Old Fracking Foes Re-United: Brian Lee, Rethink Energy; Merrilee Malwitz-Jipson, Sierra Club and OSFR; Kim Ross, ReThink Energy

Many other groups assisted and or sent representatives, including Environment Florida, WWALS Watershed Coalition, ReThink Energy, Earth Ethics, Center for Biological Diversity, St. Johns Riverkeeper, Food & Water Watch, SpectraBusters, Trade Justice Alliance, Clean Water Network and Organize Now.

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President Pam enrolls new members

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Jennifer Rubiello of Environment Florida and Johanna de Graffenreid of Gulf Restoration Network

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Chris Mericle of Hamilton Co. and Maxine Conner, Homosassa

Chris Mericle of Madison County and Maxine Conner of Homosassa gave an up-date on the Sabal Trail saga in Florida, with latest developments.  Other topics presented by speakers were Liquefied Natural Gas exports, pipelines and the anti-fracking connection, the involvement of minorities in the environmental struggle, landowners’ rights, natural gas storage and rail transport, compressor stations,  and campaign and media strategies.

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Pam Smith OSFR        Patti Street  OSFR

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Terry Phelen OSFR      Laura Dailey OSFR

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Karen Mullins OSFR   John Quarterman  WWALS

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Vicki Machado             Gale Dickert


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Deanna Mericle           Rachel   Center for Biological Diversity

SAbalSummit tracy
Tracy Marinello of Florida Defenders of the Environment

Many speakers traveled from out-of-state and all parts of Florida in order to attend.  OSFR was well represented by its membership, with President Pam Smith and Vice President Terry Phelen working at the information table.  Also, OSFR policy director Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson was there officially representing Sierra Club.  She spoke informally to the group and provided additional history on the struggle against Sabal Trail in Florida, and also assisted with powerpoint presentations.

The mechanics of the program went smoothly thanks to the leadership of Johanna, who juggled the many pieces and kept everything on schedule.  In addition, a delicious and abundant lunch for all was provided by Harvest Thyme Café of Gainesville .

Comments by OSFR historian Jim Tatum.
-A river is like a life:  once taken, it cannot be brought back-

Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson and CeCe Scofield

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