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WetlandsSWFWMD In: Federal Court Ruling Could Compel FL to Pause on Permitting Dredge and Fill of Wetlands | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

Federal Court Ruling Could Compel FL to Pause on Permitting Dredge and Fill of Wetlands

  Great news from a federal judge in Arizona who revoked the recent ruling that  allowed the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, (DEP) to take on the work of the Army Corps of Engineers in […]

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Unless Farming Methods Change Radically, Florida’s Springs and Rivers Are Doomed

See the original article with photos here in the Gainesville Sun.  It will appear in the hard copy Sunday, August 22, 2021. Unless farming methods change radically, Florida’s springs and rivers are doomed Jim Tatum Guest […]

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mosaicF4riverviewgypst In: EPA and FDEP Have Failed In Their Jobs -- THEY MUST STOP ADDING TO GYPSTACKS | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River


    I am outraged and sick to my stomach. And you should be too because the high-salaried  state and federal agents responsible for taking care of our water, more specifically Tampa Bay and our […]

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manateesfreeNOAA In: Florida manatees are dying in droves this year. Experts blame poor water quality, starvation | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

Florida manatees are dying in droves this year. Experts blame poor water quality, starvation

The manatees are starving to death say the experts, their food killed off by continual algal blooms.  If this is true we must blame the Florida Department of Environmental Protection for not having the political […]

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DEPFEATURED IMAGE In: DEP's Attempt to Grab More Power and Fastrack Permits ---- Please Send In Comments | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

DEP’s Attempt to Grab More Power and Fastrack Permits —- Please Send In Comments

  The fancy name for this power grab is “Florida’s Request to Assume Administration of a Clean Water Act Section 404 Program,”  but  what it really means is the DEP’s bid to bypass the Army […]

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MosaicFhole1 In: Is a big phosphate company using legal tactics to scare FL environmentalists? | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

Is a big phosphate company using legal tactics to scare FL environmentalists?

Craig Pittman is airing some dirty laundry here that has been aired  before, but the way industry aided by our governor and our Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is legally killing our environment and polluting […]

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