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Testing the Waters

Colorized scanning electron micrograph of Escherichia coli, grown in culture and adhered to a cover slip.

Why do we sample our river for pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity and bacterial activity? These are basic measures of the health of our river. Regular testing allows us to gauge whether it is healthy or if there is a problem we need to address. For example, a high e-coli count lets us know whether contact should be avoided since it could lead to a wide range of health problems. If the high bacterial count is persistent or extremely high, the health department is notified, and ideally, the source is traced and corrected. Often public awareness and outcry is not enough to right the wrong but it helps if we know when and where it is safe to recreate.

Currently we are testing a few locations on the Santa Fe and the Ichetucknee. For up to date results, including multiple locations in the Suwannee River Basin, check out WWALS Watershed Coalition. For more extensive water quality reports, go to the Florida Springs Institute’s Reports page. Scroll down until you get to Springswatch Reports

OSFR President Joanne Tremblay
~ Giving the river a voice ~

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