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Union County Hears Support From Citizens

unionjulybig In: Union County Hears Support From Citizens | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River


Debbie Davies

Tonight, July 18, 2016, a respectable number of people attended the regular Union County Board of County Commissioners meeting to express their support in opposing the phosphate mine.

Six people made the trip to the podium to express their opinion on the mine, and were unanimous in their opinion.

Michelle Moretti

Michelle Moretti and OSFR’s historian both made reference to the letter sent to the Union commissioners from the mine owners’ lawyers.   This was discussed at the end of the meeting by County Attorney Russell Wade, who, in summary, said this threat was expected and was not cause for undue concern.  He also gave a run-down of several scenarios which might trigger a lawsuit depending on different circumstances.  The legal counsel of Union County is aware and prepared for the on-coming battle.

Marc Lyon

Marc Lyon discussed the Land Development Regulations (LDRs) pertaining to several neighboring counties, and suggested Union might want to use those of Alachua County as a model or template.  He reiterated the slow and somewhat unproductive process which took place in Baker County.   Since Alachua County had already worked out all the problems, much time would be saved.  And Union Co. resident John Lake expressed concern that time was passing on the one-year moratorium and was hoping for a show of progress.

Comments by OSFR historian Jim Tatum.
-A river is like a life:  once taken, it cannot be brought back-



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