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Water Conservation Month: Week One-Ways to Save Water Indoors

LIVE OAK, FL, April 7, 2014

CONTACT: Carree Olshansky
Water Conservation Specialist
Suwannee River Water Management District
386.362.1001 or 800.226.1066 (FL)

Water Conservation Month: Week One ā€“ Ways to Save Water Indoors

ā€“ There are many, easy ways to save water in your home just by following a few simple tips. Saving water also reduces electrical and water and sewer expenses.

In the bathroom:
ļ‚· Flush less, the toilet is not a wastebasket; older toilets can use up to 4 gallons per flush
ļ‚· Shorten your shower time; a minute or two less in the shower can save up to 200 gallons per month
ļ‚· Replace old showerheads and faucets aerators with new low-flow versions

In the laundry room:
ļ‚· Wait until you have a full load before using the washing machine; older machines can use up to 43 gallons per load
ļ‚· Select the appropriate water level for the size of your load of laundry
ļ‚· Wash dark clothes with cold water; you will save water and energy

In the kitchen, instead of leaving the water running:
ļ‚· Keep a pitcher of drinking water in the fridge
ļ‚· Defrost food in the refrigerator
ļ‚· Scrape, don’t rinse, your dishes before loading the dishwasher
ļ‚· Use two dishpans for washing dishes by hand, one with soapy water for washing and one with clean water for rinsing

Make saving water fun for the family. You can start by calculating your familyā€™s water usage. An interactive water use calculator is available at

You can also check your water meter or use your water bill to determine how many total gallons are being used.
Set a water savings goal for the family and make it a fun challenge to decrease your home water use. You can even post your results on the Districtā€™s Facebook page,

How many gallons can you save?

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