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Boldly Affirming the Status Quo


watery foundation copy In: Boldly Affirming the Status Quo | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River
On January 25, 2015 at 05:04PM, Tom at Watery Foundation published the following article:

Commissioner of Agriculture Adam Putnam gave a talk on water policy last week to the Florida House Committee on State Affairs. He recommended “bold action” but the most remarkable thing about the talk was how little change he advocated. There was no mention of modifying water governance, budgets, or taxation authority. There was no call for pulling back rules, none of the rote calls for a return to the “core mission” of the good old days. Putnam did not recommend a state water board, more long-distance transport of water, seawater desalination, more lawsuits against other states, a changed relationship with the Army Corps of Engineers, or much of anything at all. The need to look at both “water supply” and “water quality” was also boldly affirmed.

Lots of process, though. He told  the committee members that Florida needed a “sound foundation of water policy,” that water policies should be “effectively implemented,” that there should be a “road map,” that “water supply planning should be “scientifically rigorous and timely.” Also that the state should “Go big, go bold, be ambitious, and get it right.”

The state could not go “big” if voters had accepted his recommendation to vote against the Land and Water Amendment. In my view, “boldly” affirming the status quo is a lot better than the recent practice of adopting bad new proposals. Good for Putnam. Committee members asked no questions.

Read this article from Watery Foundation at
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