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FERC Says Environmental Impacts: “Less Than Significant.”

FERCscoping copy


FERCscoping copy

FERC meetings return to the Santa Fe.  Following is a list of times and locations in the SFR area where the public may speak their opinion regarding the pipeline.

Thursday Oct. 1, 6-8 pm

Columbia High School Auditorium
469 SE Fighting Tiger Drive
Lake City, FL 32035

Thursday Oct. 8, 6-8 pm

Bell High School Auditorium
930 South Main St.
Bell, FL   32619

FERC has made its study and is reporting back on its assessment of the environmental impact expected from the Sabal Trail pipeline.  No amount of public input seems to make the FERC take notice.

With the statement below, FERC summarily dismisses the tons of negative input by hundreds of people over a period of months and months.  All this energy, effort and common sense  is nullified in one fell swoop.  This is all the more ironic when we remember that the LNG  pumped through this pipe is more than likely destined to be shipped overseas and is not necessary to bolster the energy needs in Florida, rather the profits of the energy companies.

The FERC staff concludes that approval of the SMP Project would have some adverse environmental impacts; however, these impacts would be reduced to less-than-significant levels with the implementation of the applicants’ proposed mitigation and the additional measures recommended in the draft EIS.

This is what they have to say about the dangers to the springs:

We also received many comments concerning the potential for the HDD  [horizontal directional drill]  method to impact the hydrology and groundwater quality in nearby springs in the karst sensitive areas of southwest Georgia and northern Florida. As summarized in section 5.1.1, Sabal Trail conducted detailed studies to characterize the karst geology and identify springs in proximity to the proposed HDDs in karst sensitive areas. SabalTrail sited the HDDs in karst sensitive areas to avoid close construction to major springs and would implement its Best Drilling Practices Plan which includes procedures to reduce the loss of drilling mud;  plans to monitor springs within 2,000 feet downgradient of a drilling mud loss; and a commitment to consult with applicable agencies regarding remedial cleanup techniques should a spring be affected. By implementing these plans and procedures, we conclude that the inadvertent loss of drilling mud during HDD operations in karst sensitive areas would not result in significant impacts on the hydrology or groundwater quality in springs

So they will monitor the spring, use “Best Drilling Practices,” and consult with applicable agencies regarding cleanup should an accident happen.

If you think this is inadequate, not to say laughable, come to one of the meetings and tell them so.

FERC, who had some tough questions for Sabal Trail early on, has turned into a pussy cat protector of this unwanted and unneeded business venture.


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