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HAPPY WOMAN ON THE RIVER President Pam is Heading Out!

Eight hard-core river people spent a beautiful Saturday enjoying one of their pleasures in life, drifting and paddling from the ’47 bridge to the ‘129 bridge.   Initiator of the OSFR Paddle Club above is President Pam Smith.Scroll

Happy paddle, Happy group, Lance & friend (who did not make the trip) Andy, Terry, Pam, Merrillee, Sandy, Chris, not shown Walter, Jane, Jim (picture taker).

The group left the ’47 bridge at 1o o’clock sharp and arrived at the ‘129 bridge at varying times,  the first about 4 o’clock and the last about 4:30.   All arrived safely,  some were wet but no one got lost.  Chris’ heater in the RUM 138 bus was rather welcome!


Merrillee is at the confluence of the Ichetucknee and Santa Fe and watching manatees right below her boat.  They showed no fear and periodically surfaced to breathe (quite loud breathy noise).   Andy took some great underwater video.   Merrillee counted about eight or ten individual animals.  They were simply hanging out there, and did not move away.Scroll


Terry is ready for the weather (which did come).   She and Andy are old hands on the river.  One of the reasons they live here.   Lunch was had at a small public park below Wilson Springs.  Life-giving rain arrived for the bottom portion of the trip, but no one picked up their toys and went home.  If you are not a member of OSFR, it is worth becoming one just to participate in the PADDLE CLUB.  Wonderful things happen on their trips.



Silent cypress sentinels on the river.  This is why OSFR and other groups are doing their work.  Sharing the camaraderie of good friends and the peaceful beauty of nature is a prize without price and a joy of life.  I am honored and grateful.

Rain on the River Paddling down the river enveloped in the rain and the mist makes for a magical, mystical moment when shared with a kindred spirit. Only the river and the friend can make this happen, and not often.


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