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toll road costellomoran In: DEATH BY TOLL ROAD | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

Development is the most serious threat to the Florida environment, since it brings people and concrete, destroys agricultural land and depletes our water supplies.  OSFR has over thirty posts on this topic.

Because the people behind this unimaginably destructive and unnecessary toll road boondoggle are working behind the scenes during this virus crisis, we have posted of late a few news items. Here we have one more which is an easy link to go on the record to oppose it.

Today we thank Cris Costello and Sierra Club for making it easy to tell the people in power what your thoughts and feelings are.  Please take advantage of this and contact them.

We also thank John Moran for permission to use his photo.

Comments by OSFR historian Jim Tatum.
– A river is like a life: once taken,
it cannot be brought back © Jim Tatum


Sierra Club Florida Chapter Banner - Bird on Fence
As we all deal with a global pandemic with COVID-19, we wanted to let you know how the Sierra Club is adapting and responding so we can keep doing the important work of helping our communities, protecting our natural environment and fighting for a just, clean energy future.
Floating Algae with superimposed outline of Florida and text "Death by Tollroad"
In 2019, the Florida state legislature passed a bill to fast-track over 300 miles of new toll roads that unless stopped will destroy large swaths of Florida’s last remaining rural lands.  You can help stop them.These roads to ruin and the urban sprawl they fuel threaten agricultural land, wildlife habitat, water resources, and the character and local economies of Florida’s iconic rural towns.  We need to protect our land and our heritage from this boondoggle.

Whether you live near the proposed tollway corridor or not, this project is a threat to your way of life.  We cannot allow our tax dollars to be wasted on unneeded infrastructure when there is so much need for those dollars to be spent on land conservation, climate change mitigation, public transit, education, hurricane preparedness, and public health.  This is especially important now that so many state resources will need to be devoted to the COVID-19 response.

Use your voice today to oppose Multi-use Corridors of Regional Economic Significance (M-CORES) – what we call “roads to ruin.”

Go here to send a message to the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT)
Thank you for everything you do for the environment,
Cris Costello
Senior Organizing Manager
Sierra Club Florida Chapter

This email was sent by the Sierra Club Florida Chapter
1990 Central Ave Saint Petersburg, FL 33712

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