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Film: “The Water State” Monday, May 1, 6 pm



The following is sent out by the Florida Springs Council.  As director Brent Fannin says, the people of Florida do not realize that our state is intentionally allowing our water resources to be destroyed.

Comments by OSFR historian Jim Tatum.
– A river is like a life: once taken,
it cannot be brought back © Jim Tatum



Project Paradise

The Water State, a film exploring the battle over bottling Florida’s
springs, to premiere online Monday, May 1, at 6 p.m.

From the nonprofit conservation organization, Project Paradise, comes the film, The Water
State, which illustrates how Florida’s governmental protections have failed to protect the state’s
precious freshwater springs, which are now facing imminent extinction. The aquifer system
underlying Florida’s springs is the main source of freshwater for the state.

The short documentary explores Florida’s state-controlled water management districts’
excessive approval of water-drawing permits. The Water State profiles the story of a particularly
controversial permit that the district awarded to Nestle Waters North America. The water permit,
which cost $115, allows the multinational corporation to pump up to one million gallons of water
per day out of Ginnie Springs.

The film discusses the failure of governmental water protections in Florida, the inherent bias of
the water management districts, and summarizes the intricate legal battle over the future of
Florida’s spring water. The outcome of the lawsuit, initiated by the Florida Springs Council,
could soon seal the fate of Florida’s springs and aquifers.

Project Paradise co-founder, Kent Anderson, believes this film will encourage Floridians to
consider whether current governmental protections are enough to preserve the springs and
Florida’s other natural resources.

“If our rivers and springs dry up, it’s game over for Florida. Florida will experience a deficit of
usable fresh water.” says the film’s director, Brent Fannin. “If Floridians knew what was
happening to their water supply, I believe they would demand change.”

The Water State will premiere on Monday, May 1, at 6 p.m. EST on YouTube. It premieres on
the Project Paradise channel at During this
digital premiere, the director and other members of the film’s production crew will be available to
answer questions in the comment section.

Please contact Lauren Wynns at for more information on Project


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