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And now, a word from our river.

Cypress on lower SF by Joanne Tremblay 2023
bases In: And now, a word from our river. | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

I like to hear the river, the sounds of the water, the birds, the fish. Sometimes I simply marvel at the trees that mark the river’s edge.

The footage below was taken a year ago near the confluence of the Suwannee. The river has traveled its 75 miles from the lakes on the Trail Ridge, down and up again at O’Leno, received the aquifer fresh spring flow along the Cody Escarpment, to finally reach the Suwannee that empties into the gulf.

Whats remarkable about this place is the girth of the cypress trees. They are immense but this year, when I returned to look for them, they were nowhere to be seen. I looked high and low for these behemoths and I finally realized that they were hiding in plain sight.

This year, in contrast to last, the river has stayed high for what seems like months. The high water was hiding their large bases, and all I could see were the narrow tree tops, their big bottom beauty hidden by the high waters. Their large bases grounding them to the river’s bottom, marking the rivers edge. I am grateful for these trees and their stalwart function of marking the river’s edge.

OSFR President Joanne Tremblay
“Giving Our River A Voice”

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  1. Special place.
    Spent many an hour/day on the river in my 25 yr old Grumman canoe.

    Many thanks.

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