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Bradford Sets Dates For Final Vote On The Mine.

brdfrdsept20ruth2 In: Bradford Sets Dates For Final Vote On The Mine. | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River


brdfrdsept20ruth2 In: Bradford Sets Dates For Final Vote On The Mine. | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

Distinguished speaker was Dr. Ruth Berkelman, former Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) Officer at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Director of CDC’s Division of Epidemiology and Surveillance Studies and later Deputy Director of the National Center for Infectious Diseases, retiring in 2000 as an Assistant Surgeon General.  Dr. Berkleman told the Board members of the health dangers posed by mining phosphate. On the far right is the HPS II lawyer.  We hope the Board listened carefully to this expert.


On Sept. 20, 2018, Bradf0rd County set the dates for the final meeting and vote on the mine permit, these being January 22, 23, and 24 if needed, the year 0f 2019.  The county expects dozens of not hundreds to come and speak against the mine, so they have reserved the Charlie Johns Auditorium and three days of public input.

We would like to see a thousand people stand before the board and tell them that this is the decision to make to keep Bradford County the beautiful landscape that it is.  We must tell the b0ard that the burden is on their shoulders, that if they fail here, the results will be felt forever.  The land will never be the same.  The mine owners will rape the land and leave with their money and what remains will not sustain agriculture as before.  The jobs will bring outsiders to mine, and when the phosphate is gone, so will be gone the few jobs.

This is the date to tell Will Sexton and the board that we, the citizens, do not not want HPS II to destroy the land and the County of Bradford, in Florida.

Save the date to tell HPS II, Will Sexton and the Board of County Commissioners of  Bradf0rd County Florida that we like Florida as it is, not dug up and turned upside down.

brdfrdsept20mike In: Bradford Sets Dates For Final Vote On The Mine. | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River
OSFR President Mike Roth addresses the board

Thanks to mine opponents for attending:  Stasia Rudolph, Jill McGuire, and speakers Mr. and Mrs. Tom Germano, Mike Roth of OSFR,  Kate Ellison, Carol Mosley, Dr. Ruth Berkleman, Paul Still, and Barry Osteen with health concerns for our environment.  And your historian.

Intelligent concerned citizens suggested that Onsite Environmental Consulting should be discounted as a meaningless and useless entity, since they seem to be determined to help HPS II acquire the mining permit.  These intelligent and concerned citizens also suggested  that Bradford County Attorney Will Sexton recuse himself from this issue, due to his alleged lack of objective leadership.

Comments by OSFR historian Jim Tatum.
-A river is like a life: once taken, it cannot be brought back-

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  1. Thank u SoS we live in GRAHAM JUST OUTSIDE OF BROOKER AND THE CREEK BEHIND OUR PROPERTY COMES OUT OF LAKE SANTE FE AND FEEDS THE SANTE FE RIVER WE ALSO HAVE 3 ACRES ON THE SANTE FE JUST BELOW the Itchetutnee this is an investment we have made for our kids and grandkids for there future. People backing this have the money and means they have lived in this community made there profits off the blue color worker and act as if they so supportive donating to !local organizations and so on but ready to take the livelihood of future and our kids which will have an impact forever so there 20 plan will be for the rich to get richer and forget about the people they have used to get where they are.

    Kevin wimpy
    Love our river

    1. Kevin Wimpy, thanks for your comments. You are exactly the person who needs to come to speak to the Bradford commissioners. OSFR can not stop the mine alone. We need you, as a Bradford Co. resident to tell the authorities what you said here. Why have you not come to Starke to speak? If you stay away, you are helping the mine people. All you have to do is stand, state your name and address and say you oppose the mine, and sit down. Bring your children and have them do the same. If you love your river, come and do this, and bring your friends and neighbors to do the same. This is the ONLY way we can stop this mine. Come to EVERY meeting and tell them over and over. First Monday at 9:30 am, third Thursday at 6:30 pm. 945 Temple Ave,, Starke, I want to see you there. Bring wife and kids and everyone speak.

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