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Citrus County Approves Fracking Ban


citrusboccroomThroughout all Florida the threat of fracking is falling to opposition by far-thinking leaders with the foresight and intelligence to listen to their constituents, inform themselves, and then act accordingly.

Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson

Such was the case today in Inverness, where Commissioners Dennis Damato, Ronald Kitchen, Joe Meek, Scott Adams, and Scott Carnahan unanimously passed a ban-fracking ordinance.  The ordinance was amended to include all the county, both incorporated and non-incorporated  areas, skillfully inserted by the able and prepared county attorney Denise A. Dymond Lyn.

Special appreciation goes to Commissioner Scott Carnahan for initiating the ordinance.  The oil and gas industry sent no one to oppose, and several speakers addressed the board asking for support for the ordinance.  OSFR was represented by your historian and Sierra Club Florida was represented by OSFR member Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson.  Both these individuals also are members of Floridians Against Fracking.  Among the local supporters were leaders Harriett Heywood and Maxine Conner, and our thanks go to the  local support groups for their good work which resulted in the ordinance.

Well Done!

Maxine Conner


Harriet Heywood


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