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Clean Water Restoration Act (CWRA)


Dear Merrillee,Thank you for asking your members of Congress to serve as
original cosponsors of the Clean Water Restoration Act this
Congress. It all begins with efforts from people just like you!

Please consider making a special tax-deductible gift today to
support our work:


Currently, polluters are seizing on the Supreme Court rulings to
argue that the Clean Water Act only protects “navigable” waters
such as major rivers, thus leaving unguarded an abundance of
America’s streams, lakes, rivers and wetlands. We can’t allow
industrial polluters access to these vulnerable waterways.

The Clean Water Restoration Act, as introduced in the 110th
Congress, would protect all waters from these polluters. If
adopted in the 111th Congress it would restore clear protections
to water bodies that were covered before the Supreme Court

But, before the Clean Water Restoration Act can start protecting
us, we have to do our part to get it introduced in Congress and
then passed into law.

Please take a moment and tell your friends, family members, and
colleagues how they can help:

With your help, Earthjustice will continue to safeguard public
lands, national forests, parks, and wilderness areas; reduce air
and water pollution; prevent toxic contamination; preserve
endangered species and wildlife habitat; and defend the right of
all people to a healthy environment.


P.S. To learn more about Earthjustice and the work we do, please
visit our website:

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