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Florida Power & Light Gets Approval To Drill For Gas–At The Customers’ Expense

PublicServoce C. In: Florida Power & Light Gets Approval To Drill For Gas--At The Customers' Expense | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River
The PSC Commissioners

 Florida’s Public Service Commission Thursday gave FPL permission to enter the natural-gas production business using  money from its customers.  They will sign a 30-year contract  with Louisiana-based PetroQuest to explore for gas in Oklahoma, and the cost of $191 million will be absorbed by customers’ bills.

In a post on December 8, OSFR made a plea for members to contact our PSC requesting they withhold this permission which would fill the pockets of the company’s shareholders, whether or not gas was found.

Perhaps some did write and perhaps PSC chairman Art Graham did listen, as he was the sole member to oppose the permission.  ArtGraham-New

Thank you Chairman Graham.

OSFR and other environmental groups in Florida strongly oppose the obsession with fossil fuels expressed by the PSC, who are only prolonging the inevitable switch to sustainable energy sources such as solar.   These groups continually point out the dangers from methane and other toxic pollutants and chemicals inherent with the fracking technique which is used to produce the gas.

Natural gas,  still often touted as the “cleanest of fossil fuels,” is fast losing desirability as the associated poisons and contaminants are becoming recognized and better known.

Read about this in an article from the News Service of Florida published in today’s Gainesville Sun, on page B6.


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