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Make a Comment to FERC on Sabal Trail, Deadline April 13, 2020

129protest group1 In: Make a Comment to FERC on Sabal Trail, Deadline April 13, 2020 | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

129protest group1 In: Make a Comment to FERC on Sabal Trail, Deadline April 13, 2020 | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River


Surprisingly, Sabal Trail has gone way past their deadline for completion of all phases of its pipeline.

The original deadline for Phase II Compressor Stations at Albany and Dunnellon was Feb. 2, 2018, but was extended to May 1, 2020.  As John Quarterman writes below, Sabal Trail’s request to FERC to extend that deadline again was met with a public comment opportunity, ending April 13.

Now is our chance for one last whack at Sabal Trail, which has imposed a threat and risk of spills, explosions and contamination of our rivers and ground water, and at the same time bullied its way into delaying our inevitable shift from dirty fossil fuels to sustainable energy.

Sabal Trail is not necessary and has already had its problems.  OSFR  worked hard in the opposition fight.

Please note the link in the article to the comment site.  Also you may view the document filed by WWALS as an intervenor in another link.

Please note when  you go to the FERC comment page, go to ecomment on the menu on the left.  You must fill out this page, submit, and they will send you an email with a link.  On this page the docket number is CP-15-17-000.  After you enter this, you must click on the far right where it says “select.”

Please write and tell them what is wrong with this pipeline going through our Springs Heartland, and ask FERC to shut them down.

Thanks to John Quarterman, Suwannee RiverKeeper, for alerting us to this opportunity.

Comments by OSFR historian Jim Tatum.
– A river is like a life: once taken,
it cannot be brought back © Jim Tatum



WWALS Motion to Intervene in Sabal Trail request for Phase II extension 2020-03-30

Does this look anywhere near completion to you?

[Facing north (bare dirt)]
Facing north (bare dirt)

Yet on March 26, 2020, Sabal Trail asked FERC to extend the May 1st deadline for its Phase II construction of the Dunnellon and Albany Compressor Stations because of the virus pandemic, after FERC already extended way past the original February 2, 2018, deadline for completion of all phases.

FERC surprisingly did not immediately rubberstamp that request, instead opening a comment period until April 13, 2020. WWALS today filed a Motion to Intervene in that comment process on that request.

Your organization, if it was a party to the underlying Sabal Trail proceeding in FERC Docket CP15-17, can also move to intervene.

Anyone can comment, without needing to intervene:

WWALS Motion to Intervene

See also the PDF filed with FERC as Accession Number 20200406-5070 today, April 6, 2020. Continue reading

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