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Misleading Headlines in the Gainesville Sun

Misleading Headlines in the Gainesville Sun

Misleading Headlines in the Gainesville Sun

An article in the Gainesville Sun today has the headlines “State outlines plan to protect Silver Springs.” The truth here is that the “State is killing Silver Springs.”

paulic, mary
DEP employee Paulic

Yesterday at the Marion County Public Library in Ocala, Florida Department of Environmental Protection employee Mary Paulic explained how the DEP plans to reduce the nitrate levels of the nearby water resources, including the Silver River and Silver Springs. Members of the audience raised the issue of approval of the immense water withdrawal permit just recently granted to Sleepy Creek Lands, acknowledged by many as definitely harmful to the river and springs.

This seems to be another case of the state, whether DEP or water management district, trying to fabricate an appearance of protecting our waters while in truth it is dispensing them with recklessness, all the while cognizant of exactly what it is doing.

To read this oft-repeated story, go to this link for the article.

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