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Monday Meditation

One of the neatest features of our river are the many swallets and springs along the way. Alligator swallet never fails to entertain with its voracious thirst and spinning action. Coming upon it we see the red ludwigia gracing the river bottom, one of the prominent plants that glisten like a gem stone.

Screenshot 2024 03 31 at 3.08.24 PM In: Monday Meditation | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

This video was taken last year in April. This swallet resides between the 441 and 27 bridges on the Santa Fe. This siphon is said to empty out mid river before the 27 bridge though some postulate that this cannot be so due to the mid-river spring flow being ever present during a drought that left the siphon high and dry.

I hope you enjoy the swirl.

Alligator Swallet

OSFR President Joanne Tremblay
“Giving Our River A Voice”

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