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Inquiring Minds Want To Know What is Happening to Their Water, the Use and Abuse. OSFR Goes to the Butterfly Fest-

butterflyfest 1FI In: Inquiring Minds Want To Know What is Happening to Their Water, the Use and Abuse. OSFR Goes to the Butterfly Fest- | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

butterflyfest 1 In: Inquiring Minds Want To Know What is Happening to Their Water, the Use and Abuse. OSFR Goes to the Butterfly Fest- | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River
Past President Pam Smith and Board member Kristin Rubin at their station. Diverse and interesting ingredients on this table if you can read the labels. And water runs through that rock.

The following was sent in by board member Kristin Rubin and is a recount of OSFR’s tabling event at the Butterfly Fest held at the Florida Museum of Natural History.

Thanks Pam and Kristin for your hard work and for your time.

Comments by OSFR historian Jim Tatum.
-A river is like a life: once taken, it cannot be brought back-

WOW! is all I can say about the number of conversations Pam Smith, Patty Street and Bill Basta had with people of all ages, nationalities and Florida. After 3 hours Pam and I were hoarse and when Patty and Bill arrived the conversation did not stop.

We talked about impacts from citizens and corporations on our water, we talked about Phosphate Mining, we talked about water bottling companies like Nestle that want to take our natural resources and we talked about the Rights of Nature for the Santa Fe River and the planet. We talked about our aquifer and what pollution does to our drinking water.

We didn’t cover it all, but all were deeply concerned. They talked and we listened.

Come visit us 10/26 at Lubee Bat Festival, 10/27 at Run138’s Nature’s Art & Fungi Festival and 11/16 & 17 at Gainesville’s Art Festival. See you there!

butterflyfest 2 In: Inquiring Minds Want To Know What is Happening to Their Water, the Use and Abuse. OSFR Goes to the Butterfly Fest- | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River
Bill Basta and Board member Patty Street busy at the table with some big animal looking over their shoulder.


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1 Comment

  1. Thank you, OSFR members for going to the Butterfly Fest and talking and talking to interested citizens. Thanks to Bill Basta, Kristin Rubin, Pam Smith, Patty Street, Jim Tatum…..and anyone I might have missed in this list!

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