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Pensacola News Journal Publishes OSFR Guest Editorial Jan. 3, 2015

pensacola news journal

OSFR’s guest editorial “Viewpoint:  New interest in state’s oil and gas,” appeared today, Jan. 3, 2015 in the Pensacola News Journal.

Hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking” is an oil-drilling technique where sand, water and chemicals are injected deep into the ground under pressure in order to fracture the oil-bearing shale rock, allowing the oil and gas to be extracted.

This technique causes earthquakes and is prone to leaking methane gases into the atmosphere. It also leaves toxic chemicals in the earth and in the aquifer.

Fracking is normally done in shale rock, but in Florida, most of the oil and gas is found in loosely mineralized soils, requiring the need for “acid fracking,” or “acidizing,” employing the use of acids such as hydrofluoric acid or hydrochloric acids to dissolve limestone, dolomite and calcite cement.

The winds of public opinion may be shifting in Florida. In the recent off-year elections, the monumental Amendment 1 was approved by a landslide. The people spoke with a loud voice, saying they want to protect what is good and unique in Florida, our land and water.

Even more recently, proposed Senate Bill 166 was written to prohibit hydraulic fracturing in Florida. If passed, it would take effect in July. There is also a statewide effort to ban fracking at the local level where authorities are acting rather than just listening to their citizens.

The time is here to take an important step toward protecting what we cannot afford to lose. Our Santa Fe River Inc. has been a leader in opposing the threat posed by the Sabal Trail pipeline project. We must encourage our lawmakers to save Florida. The potential for mineral rights exploration in north and central Florida could easily destroy our aquifer and drinking water source.

The complete article can be read at this link.  OSFR is grateful to Tom Ninestine and the Pensacola News Journal for helping to expose the dangers of fracking.  And we thank Food & Water Watch for the use of the photo, and we did give credit although it seems to have been lost.  Apologies.

The complete editorial can be read at our post at this link.

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