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bearwarriorsunited In: Another Lawsuit Over Florida’s Ailing Manatees Targets Wastewater Pollution | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

Another Lawsuit Over Florida’s Ailing Manatees Targets Wastewater Pollution

  Good for the Bear Warriors United. The State of Florida knows very well why the manatees are dying, and it is because our state refuses to keep its waters clean enough for these animals […]

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Splitoaks wma In: We've Been Down This "Linear Facility" Before: Plan for New Central Florida Toll Road Would Split Split Oak Forest, a Treasured Park | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

We’ve Been Down This “Linear Facility” Before: Plan for New Central Florida Toll Road Would Split Split Oak Forest, a Treasured Park

Sometimes when people want to show their ingenuity/intelligence  they simply show their foolishness, and this is the case with using “linear facility” for road.  But the humor provided by this bit of governmentese nonsense is […]

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sustainabilitywikicreativecommons In: Sustainability and Embracing the Future of Florida | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

Sustainability and Embracing the Future of Florida

The bottom line is very simple and it is the following: Without addressing and reducing the sources of pollution, no amount of projects will reverse all historic and ongoing pollution damage. DeSantis and the Florida […]

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