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Thank you to all of our supporters

Giant cypress lower Santa Fe

As we enter RiverFest month, we would like to thank everybody who renewed their memberships and to those who provide us with monthly donations! Your generosity is appreciated. We have a new plant hike coming up on Saturday March 9th, rain or shine, so be sure to sign up for this extra special opportunity.

giants thumnail In: Thank you to all of our supporters | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

There are so many beloved places on the Santa Fe. This month the trees of the lower Santa Fe called for a visit. The spot above the confluence with the Suwannee has some majestically large cypress that embrace the explorer. Below is a video clip taken within the embrace of our Santa Fe Giants.

AIorK4y2palNTaFkKO8Oxg 97TG85YyQ08Ny8UxKSwYUwmEdewQixDyFWkU8 In: Thank you to all of our supporters | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

“Giving Our River A Voice”

Our Santa Fe River, Inc

Joanne Tremblay, President

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