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Union County Tables Vote on Land Use Plans

Monday, September 18th at the Union County Board of County Commissioners meeting, the Board heard public comments from many who opposed and a few who supported the proposed HPSII phosphate mine. The Commissioners decided to table voting to accept the proposed updates to their county land use plans.

Many who spoke in opposition of the mine supported the Comprehensive Plan amendments as proposed but believed that additional amendments to protect the future interest of the County, the New River, the Santa Fe River and the seven counties surrounding the Santa Fe River were needed.

Public workshops will be held in Union County to plan and consider additional amendments that OSFR hopes will limit and restrict mining in the county. Information about the workshops will be posted as it becomes available.

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1 Comment

  1. Leaching phosphate is the reason for the ecological breakdown that we’ve been having for years ( gauamole blue green alge) and now you want to expand this mine. Are you determined to make Florida a toxic wasteland and thus destroy tourism which is Florida’s bread & butter, think again of the conquences of your actions, so one millionaire gets rich at the expense of millions of citizens losing their businesses & jobs.

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