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Water Bottling Near the Santa Fe River

Hello Everyone,

This post is dedicated to water bottling. Here you will find some compelling stories about bottled water recently published.
Our Santa Fe River, Inc. is firmly rooted in protecting the Santa Fe River from more water bottling extraction.  For more than 2 and a half years we have kept 4 more plants from digging holes and sucking up artesian water from the Floridan aquifer for huge profits.  CCDA (Coca-Cola/Danone) still operates freely here.  Although, they do pay the Water Use Permit (WUP) holder, Ginnie Springs owners, a price for each gallon extracted.  This is proprietary and no one knows for certain how much they pay the family.   In any case, because it is a well, the state of Florida makes no money on this water extraction.
Lily Springs and Santa Fe Springs, LLC (Sawdust Springs) are still making attempts to carry through with their business ventures utilizing our public natural resources for FREE.
Lily is right now pursuing their application process at the Suwannee River Water Management District.  They are intent on providing the “science” element for their permit request.  They are still a long way from the finish.  We will need your support to stop this business in northern Gilchrist County, once again this is also on Poe Springs Road (same area as Blue Springs).   When the time comes we will be contacting you for your support.
Santa Fe Springs, LLC is located in southern Columbia County.  The owner of this location has the SRWMD permit (purchased in a land deal and the original permit was issued years ago).  He does NOT have the necessary building permits from Columbia County or the Town of Fort White.  He has until October 2009 to have the necessary requirements of his WUP (water use permit).  If he does not fulfill the conditions his permit goes into revocation proceedings at the District level.  And providing SB 2080 gets vetoed, OSFR will be a part of the process as citizen input at the SRWMD Board Meeting.
If you have NOT contacted Governor Crist about vetoing SB 2080…PLEASE do so now by signing the petition created by the Food and Water Watch team at the end of this posting.
Thank you all for your continued support.
Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson
President of OSFR

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