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Write Plain-English Rules to Save Florida’s Natural Springs | Editorial

newriveralan2working In: Write Plain-English Rules to Save Florida’s Natural Springs | Editorial | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

newriveralan2 In: Write Plain-English Rules to Save Florida’s Natural Springs | Editorial | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River
New River

The 2016 bill referred to below was the Florida Springs and Aquifer Protection Act and highly touted by legislators and Tallahassee decision makers, but not by environmentalists as said by David Simmons in this article:

If the legislation is adopted, it will make sure the state is working toward preservation of its aquifer, its springs and estuaries, said Sen. David Simmons, R-Altamonte Springs, a key sponsor.

“The environmentalists know this is a major accomplishment, in requiring these standards to clean up water resources within a certain time period,” Simmons said. “This means that cities and counties that are dumping water into the aquifer and rivers are going to have to put together a plan to stop it.

This is just one more example of what we already know:  our lobbyist-ruled Florida Legislators and our DEP have no meaningful plans to restore our springs and rivers, rather they will let them slowly die until it is too late to save them.

The original appeared in the Orlando Sentinel.

Comments by OSFR historian Jim Tatum.
– A river is like a life: once taken,
it cannot be brought back © Jim Tatum

Write plain-English rules to save Florida’s natural springs | Editorial

By Tampa Bay Times Editorial Board

Tribune News Service Jul 09, 2022 at 5:30 am

Florida’s freshwater springs need our help. We’ve abused them in recent decades. Lots of important people talk about supporting the springs, restoring them to their once-pristine condition or something close to it. In 2016, the Legislature even passed a sweeping law that required the state Department of Environmental Protection to create rules to address over-pumping of the groundwater that keeps the springs healthy. But six years later, the state still hasn’t established those rules. Six years.

Florida has more than 700 fresh water springs. Some are merely a trickle, while others gush more than 100 cubic feet a second. That’s like filling 17 standard bathtubs to the top every second. When healthy, they are home to loads of wildlife. They also attract tourists and locals looking for a place to cool off. But for decades, the springs have suffered a devastating one-two punch, the Tampa Bay Times’ Zachary T. Sampson reported in a recent article. Fertilizer runoff and other pollution have spread contaminants that choke the springs with algae. Pollution has impaired 24 of the 30 state-designated “Outstanding Florida Springs,” according to state records.

At the same time, companies and local governments have diverted huge amounts of water from the aquifer to homes, farms and bottling plants. All that pumping has slowed the flow at some springs. Less water moving through the spring means the pollution isn’t diluted as effectively. The damage, in other words, feeds off of itself….

And then six years passed.

davidsimmons In: Write Plain-English Rules to Save Florida’s Natural Springs | Editorial | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River
David Simmons

In March, state environmental officials unveiled a draft of the rules. Just a draft, mind you, not the end product. That will take more time. The draft, though, was laden with jargon that detracts from the law’s purpose, said David Simmons, a Republican and former second-in-command of the Florida Senate, who helped develop the law. Look, bureaucrats sometimes love jargon. They can’t help themselves. But jargon can also be used to make it hard to enforce rules. No one can tell what the rule actually intends, so it lacks power. Is that what is happening here? State officials say otherwise. They are still seeking feedback on the rules, they said. They also point to the $220 million dedicated to springs restoration over the last three years. Still, why convolute the simple concept of “Do no more harm”? Simmons helped write the law, and he’s not impressed. That’s not a good sign, at least for the springs.

These rules need to be simple and easily understood. They must balance the needs of residents, farmers and businesses, but they cannot be written in a way that does little or nothing to strengthen existing laws. What we are doing now isn’t working. If we keep doing it, the pollution will get worse. As the state moves toward a final draft, the benefit of the doubt needs to go to the springs. They are far too valuable to further degrade by promoting too much pumping. If they make a remarkable comeback, take a look at the rules again. But right now, the springs need saving. Now. Not in another six years.

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