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Phosphate mine on agenda, Gilchrist BOCC, 2018-06-18

Gilchristcomms In: Phosphate mine on agenda, Gilchrist BOCC, 2018-06-18 | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River


Thanks to OSFR President Mike Smith for putting this item on the agenda, and to John Quarterman for publicizing it.

If you can, please attend, and even better, please stand and tell the commissioners that you do not want a small group of rich people putting our river at risk, just so they can destroy their land for money. They have no right to risk destruction to state property enjoyed by all.

Most of us don’t like to speak in public, especially before authorities, but if you simply stand, give your name and address, and say you oppose the phosphate mine, that will go into the meeting record and may ultimately help our cause of stopping it.

Mining is proven to be an industry with accidents which are damaging to air, water, wildlife and the environment. There are horrible examples of this right here in Florida. The companies just say it was accident, pay a fine (sometimes no fine,) and go on mining.
Other examples are when the company goes bankrupt, they just walk away and you and I pay for the awful mess left behind. This too, has happened in Florida, and has just happened in Mississippi.

Comments by OSFR historian Jim Tatum.
-A river is like a life: once taken, it cannot be brought back-

Phosphate mines on agenda, Gilchrist BOCC, 2018-06-18

Mike Roth, president of Our Santa Fe River, requests:

On Monday, June 18, at the Gilchrist County Board of County Commissioners meeting in Trenton which starts at 4PM, we will get the opportunity to appeal to the Board to issue a “letter of concern” regarding the phosphate mine applied for in Bradford and Union Counties. As you certainly know, OSFR has stood in opposition to this mine on the grounds that it is a substantial threat to the health of the Santa Fe River and to all those who live by the river and all those who use the river recreationally. Further, it threatens the aquifer that is recharged by the river and as such, anyone and anything that uses groundwater.

When: 4PM (hearing 4:45 PM), Monday, June 18, 2018

Where: Board of County Commissioners Meeting Facility,
210 South Main Street, Trenton, Florida

What: Letter of concern about HPS II Phosphate Mine in Bradford and Union Counties, Florida

Gilchristcomms In: Phosphate mine on agenda, Gilchrist BOCC, 2018-06-18 | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

Gilchrist County Commissioners from left to right: Sharon A. Langford, Kenrick Thomas, Todd Gray, D Ray Harrison, Jr., and Marion Poitevint

Gilchrist County is downstream on the Santa Fe and Suwannee Rivers from the proposed HPS II phosphate mine in Bradford and Union Counties. Writing a letter to another county commission is an unusual move, but Alachua and Columbia Counties have already done so. You could come speak, be seen, or send email to the Commissioners (their addresses are on their website).

Gilchrist County is also downstream on the Suwannee River from the Nutrien (PCS) Phosphate Mine in Hamilton County. Hamilton County got some concessions in the five-year permit renewals for better transparency about water quality and other issues that have arisen after the damage is done. Not having another mine would be better.

Back in 2014, Gilchrist County also held the best interrogation of Spectra Energy and Sabal Trail of any county anywhere.

Maybe I’ll see you there.

-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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