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Citrus Co., 110 N. Apopka Ave, Inverness, 5 pm Tues. June 12, 2018. Help Protect Our Water

citrus co courthouse In: Citrus Co., 110 N. Apopka Ave, Inverness, 5 pm Tues. June 12, 2018. Help Protect Our Water | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

citrus co courthouse In: Citrus Co., 110 N. Apopka Ave, Inverness, 5 pm Tues. June 12, 2018. Help Protect Our Water | Our Santa Fe River, Inc. (OSFR) | Protecting the Santa Fe River

Citrus Co. BOCC, 110 N. Apopka Ave, Inverness, 5 pm Tues. June 12, 2018.

Thanks to Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson, Whitey Markle and Charles Lee for the following information.

Citrus County BOCC is about to roll back regulations that protect our freshwater. Please attend this important meeting Tuesday at 5 pm and make them stand strong to protect every freshwater drop!

On Tuesday, June 12 at 5:00 PM, the Citrus County Commission will consider a proposal by Citrus County Staff (apparently some NEW staff) to gut a number of important provisions from the Land Development Code. See the URL at the end of this message for details.

In particular, they are proposing to repeal former 100 foot waterfront buffers, springs buffers, wetland buffers, and replace them with a uniformly weaker general buffer of 35’, 15’, or 12’ setbacks under various circumstances.

The staff proposal also would remove references to requirements for Florida Friendly Landscape in buffer area, and would establish a process so that if a person purchases a lot to put a new house on, they can essentially forget all about buffers, and build their house as close to the water/wetlands/springs as their neighbors have built (even if their neighbors built under ancient land use requirements).

These changes were approved by the Planning and Development Commission on May 3. Though time is short, I hope we can mobilize an effort to defeat these bad changes on June 12 at the Citrus County Commission.

Also, see the attached material from Michael Czerwinski, environmental consultant, who makes a strong case and provides data and analysis showing why these changes are bad.

Charles Lee
Audubon Florida
(407) 620-5178…/adv…/pdc/agenda/agenda-05-03-18.pdf

We need all Sierra Club members and friends to show up on Tuesday and express opposition to this drastic proposal. We need to move forward with environmental protection, not backward.

Whitey Markle, Chair
Suwannee St. Johns Sierra Club Group.


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