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President Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson spoke tonight for a full 30 minutes on Rick Spisak’s Progressive News Network.  Topics included  water conservation, and the threat of the Sabal Trail Pipeline, but the greatest thrust was about the anti-fracking campaign now taking place in Florida.

President Malwitz-Jipson

Of great importance are the two Senate bills now before the Session, SB1468 and SB1582, written at the instigation of the petroleum industry in the attempt to catch our legislators unaware of the situation and have their laws in place  before most people even know what fracking is.

During our campaign OSFR has run into the problem several times of discovering that our leaders and decision-makers have little or no clue as to what fracking entails.  As we say in our last editorial, if someone understands fracking, then that person will definitely oppose it, if he/she receives no personal gain from the procedure.

Others may feel fracking is not a threat to Florida, and to answer that, we say, then why is the petroleum industry working so hard and putting their lobbyists in front of the legislators, telling them that fracking is safe?  Why is the petroleum industry pushing so hard for these bills that give them authorization to poison your earth and water so they can make a profit?

Fracking is a threat to Florida’s aquifer, and we are not making this up.  We have no special interest here, except an interest in having water that is safe to drink, and a Santa Fe River that is clean and safe to swim in.  If you want to preserve a clean, pure aquifer, I suggest you jump on the bandwagon.  If you don’t know what to do, contact OSFR and we will help.

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